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One of the biggest strengths of a multi-model database like ArangoDB is the ability to work with graphs. Graphs are suitable when your data is highly connected (think too many relationships for a relational database to handle). A graph is a collection of vertices (collections) and edges (relations). Edges connect vertices and then the graph can be traversed from one vertix to others via connecting edges.

In arango-orm vertices are classes that inherit from the Collection class while edges are classes that inherit from Relation class. Working with graphs involves creating collection classes and optionally Edge/Relation classes. Users can use the built-in Relation class for specifying relations but if relations need to contain extra attributes then it's required to create a sub-class of Relation class. Graph functionality is explained below with the help of a university graph example containing students, teachers, subjects and the areas where students and teachers reside in.

First we create some collections and relationships

from typing import Literal
from arango_orm import Collection, Relation, Graph, GraphConnection

class Student(Collection):

    __collection__ = 'students'

    name: str
    age: int | None = None

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Student({})>".format(

class Teacher(Collection):

    __collection__ = 'teachers'

    name: str

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Teacher({})>".format(

class Subject(Collection):

    __collection__ = 'subjects'

    name: str
    credit_hours: int
    has_labs: bool = True

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Subject({})>".format(

class Area(Collection):

    __collection__ = 'areas'

class SpecializesIn(Relation):

    __collection__ = 'specializes_in'

    expertise_level: Literal["expert", "medium", "basic"]

    def __str__(self):
        return "<SpecializesIn(_key={}, expertise_level={}, _from={}, _to={})>".format(
            self.key_, self.expertise_level, self._from, self._to)

Next we sub-class the Graph class to specify the relationships between the various collections

class UniversityGraph(Graph):

    __graph__ = 'university_graph'

    graph_connections = [
        # Using general Relation class for relationship
        GraphConnection(Student, Relation("studies"), Subject),
        GraphConnection(Teacher, Relation("teaches"), Subject),

        # Using specific classes for vertex and edges
        GraphConnection(Teacher, SpecializesIn, Subject),
        GraphConnection([Teacher, Student], Relation("resides_in"), Area)

Now it's time to create the graph. Note that we don't need to create the collections individually, creating the graph will create all collections that it contains

from arango import ArangoClient
from arango_orm.database import Database

client = ArangoClient(hosts='http://localhost:8529')
test_db = client.db('test', username='test', password='test')

db = Database(test_db)

uni_graph = UniversityGraph(connection=db)

Now the graph and all it's collections have been created, we can verify their existence:

[c['name'] for c in db.collections()]

Now let's insert some data into our graph:

students_data = [
    Student(_key='S1001', name='John Wayne', age=30),
    Student(_key='S1002', name='Lilly Parker', age=22),
    Student(_key='S1003', name='Cassandra Nix', age=25),
    Student(_key='S1004', name='Peter Parker', age=20)

teachers_data = [
    Teacher(_key='T001', name='Bruce Wayne'),
    Teacher(_key='T002', name='Barry Allen'),
    Teacher(_key='T003', name='Amanda Waller')

subjects_data = [
    Subject(_key='ITP101', name='Introduction to Programming', credit_hours=4, has_labs=True),
    Subject(_key='CS102', name='Computer History', credit_hours=3, has_labs=False),
    Subject(_key='CSOOP02', name='Object Oriented Programming', credit_hours=3, has_labs=True),

areas_data = [

for s in students_data:

for t in teachers_data:

for s in subjects_data:

for a in areas_data:

Next let's add some relations, we can add relations by manually adding the relation/edge record into the edge collection, like:

db.add(SpecializesIn(_from="teachers/T001", _to="subjects/ITP101", expertise_level="medium"))

Or we can use the graph object's relation method to generate a relation document from given objects:

gotham = db.query(Area).by_key("Gotham")
metropolis = db.query(Area).by_key("Metropolis")
star_city = db.query(Area).by_key("StarCity")

john_wayne = db.query(Student).by_key("S1001")
lilly_parker = db.query(Student).by_key("S1002")
cassandra_nix = db.query(Student).by_key("S1003")
peter_parker = db.query(Student).by_key("S1004")

intro_to_prog = db.query(Subject).by_key("ITP101")
comp_history = db.query(Subject).by_key("CS102")
oop = db.query(Subject).by_key("CSOOP02")

barry_allen = db.query(Teacher).by_key("T002")
bruce_wayne = db.query(Teacher).by_key("T001")
amanda_waller = db.query(Teacher).by_key("T003")

db.add(uni_graph.relation(peter_parker, Relation("studies"), oop))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(peter_parker, Relation("studies"), intro_to_prog))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(john_wayne, Relation("studies"), oop))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(john_wayne, Relation("studies"), comp_history))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(lilly_parker, Relation("studies"), intro_to_prog))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(lilly_parker, Relation("studies"), comp_history))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(cassandra_nix, Relation("studies"), oop))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(cassandra_nix, Relation("studies"), intro_to_prog))

db.add(uni_graph.relation(barry_allen, SpecializesIn(expertise_level="expert"), oop))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(barry_allen, SpecializesIn(expertise_level="expert"), intro_to_prog))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(bruce_wayne, SpecializesIn(expertise_level="medium"), oop))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(bruce_wayne, SpecializesIn(expertise_level="expert"), comp_history))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(amanda_waller, SpecializesIn(expertise_level="basic"), intro_to_prog))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(amanda_waller, SpecializesIn(expertise_level="medium"), comp_history))

db.add(uni_graph.relation(bruce_wayne, Relation("teaches"), oop))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(barry_allen, Relation("teaches"), intro_to_prog))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(amanda_waller, Relation("teaches"), comp_history))

db.add(uni_graph.relation(bruce_wayne, Relation("resides_in"), gotham))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(barry_allen, Relation("resides_in"), star_city))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(amanda_waller, Relation("resides_in"), metropolis))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(john_wayne, Relation("resides_in"), gotham))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(lilly_parker, Relation("resides_in"), metropolis))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(cassandra_nix, Relation("resides_in"), star_city))
db.add(uni_graph.relation(peter_parker, Relation("resides_in"), metropolis))

With our graph populated with some sample data, let's explore the ways we can work with the graph.

Expanding Documents

We can expand any Collection (not Relation) object to access the data that is linked to it. We can sepcify which links ('inbound', 'outbound', 'any') to expand and the depth to which those should be expanded to. Let's see all immediate connections that Bruce Wayne has in our graph:

bruce = db.query(Teacher).by_key("T001")
uni_graph.expand(bruce, depth=1, direction='any')

Graph expansion on an object adds a _relations dictionary that contains all the relations for the object according to the expansion criteria:


# Returns:

'resides_in': [<Relation(_key=4205290, _from=teachers/T001, _to=areas/Gotham)>],
'specializes_in': [<SpecializesIn(_key=4205114, expertise_level=medium, _from=teachers/T001, _to=subjects/ITP101)>,
    <SpecializesIn(_key=4205271, expertise_level=expert, _from=teachers/T001, _to=subjects/CS102)>,
    <SpecializesIn(_key=4205268, expertise_level=medium, _from=teachers/T001, _to=subjects/CSOOP02)>],
'teaches': [<Relation(_key=4205280, _from=teachers/T001, _to=subjects/CSOOP02)>]

We can use _from and _to of a relation object to access the id's for both sides of the link. We also have _object_from and _object_to to access the objects on both sides, for example:

# 'Bruce Wayne'

# 'Gotham'

There is also a special attribute called _next that allows accessing the other side of the relationship irrespective of the relationship direction. For example, for outbound relationships the _object_from contains the source object while for inbound_relationships _object_to contains the source object. But if we're only interested in traversal of the graph then it's more useful at times to access the other side of the relationship w.r.t the current object irrespective of it's direction:

# 'Gotham'

Let's expand the bruce object to 2 levels and see _next in more action:

uni_graph.expand(bruce, depth=2)

# All relations of the area where bruce resides in
# -> {'resides_in': [<Relation(_key=4205300, _from=students/S1001, _to=areas/Gotham)>]}

# Name of the student that resides in the same area as bruce
# 'John Wayne'

# The same action using _next without worrying about direction
# 'John Wayne'

# Get names of all people that reside in the same area and Bruce Wayne
[ for p in bruce._relations['resides_in'][0]._next._relations['resides_in']]
# ['John Wayne']