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Getting started

Connecting to a database

from arango import ArangoClient
from arango_orm import Database

client = ArangoClient(hosts='http://localhost:8529')
test_db = client.db('test', username='test', password='test')

db = Database(test_db)

Defining models

Define models to represent your data. Models extend the Collection base class which is an extension of the pydantic BaseModel class. So all functionality provided by pydantic models is available. The same model class can be used for ORM and for defining API request/response structures.

from datetime import date
from arango_orm import Collection

class Student(Collection):

    __collection__ = 'students'

    name: str   # required field
    dob: date | None = None  # optional field

All collections have the key_ field which translates to the _key field in arangoDB. If no value is provided for key_ then one is auto-generated (arango default behavior). If you want to enforce key_ to be always provided, you can define the key in your model.

from pydantic import Field
from arango_orm import Collection

class MyCollection(Collection):

    __collection__ = 'my_collection'

    key_: str = Field(..., alias="_key")  # required
    name: str

Creating collections in the database

To create database collection based on arango-orm model.


Adding records

All the methods to create an orm object from a collection depicted below are valid.

from datetime import date

# Recurd using normal field names and ISO Date format which is automatically
# converted to Date object by pydantic
s1 = Student(key_='12312', name='Student A', dob='2000-10-25')

# Use the _key alias instead of key_ and use proper date object.
s2 = Student(_key='12313', name='Student B', dob=date(year=2000, month=9, day=12))

# missing key_ is automatically generated
s3 = Student(name='Student C')

# Load from a dictionary. dob is None as it is optional.
s4 = Student(**{'key_': '12315', name='Student D'})

# insert a single record into the db

# insert multiple records
db.bulk_add([s2, s3, s4])

print(s1._id, s1._key)  # Can use _id and _key they are aliases for id_ and key_
print(s2._id, s2._key)
print(s3.id_, s3.key_)
print(s4.id_, s4.key_)

Get total records in collection


Get record by key

s = db.query(Student).by_key('12312')

Updating records

s = db.query(Student).by_key('12312') = 'Anonymous'

Deleting records

s = db.query(Student).by_key('12312')

Get all records in collection

students = db.query(Student).all()

Delete all records in collection


Get first record matching the query

first_student = db.query(Student).first()

Get an iterator for the query

If you don't want to fetch all records from large collections, use an iterator to be more memory efficient.

for rec in db.query(Student).iterator():